Jun 012012

Settle down, class. We have a little lesson today.

In 1802, a man in England named Humphry Davy invented the lightbulb – the first lightbulb. Over the next 75-plus years, a couple of dozen scientists invented their versions of lightbulbs. And in 1878, Thomas Edison purchased the patent to the latest lightbulb from scientists in Canada.

Two years later – 1880 – Thomas Edison “invented” the lightbulb!

Yeah, right. What he invented was something much bigger. What Thomas Edison invented was a way to apply planned obsolescence to unbridled corporate greed. He formed a company called General Electric, and they have since made gazillions of dollars selling something that’s going to burn out, so you have to buy a new one… which burns out, so you have to buy a new one… which burns out, so you have to buy a new one… yadda yadda yadda.

You figure “so what?” Free enterprise, right? Well, I don’t know. This is General Electric’s latest brochure, and it has me a little worried. Now watch this. It’s cool, but don’t let the smoke and mirrors trick you.

Here comes the sun!

That’s pretty neat… that’s hot! Now… this is one of the coolest things… I’m gonna close it because it makes too much noise… But watch this… That is way cool, isn’t it? But Thomas Edison did not invent that.

Anyway, my fear is General Electric’s going to somehow figure out how to charge us for sun and wind, and we’re going to be paying for the rest of our lives for something we grew up with for free.

I hate G.E.

Ta ta.

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