Jan 022013

Testy Brit Piers Morgan is now threatening to deport himself from America and his multi-million dollar evening chat fest on CNN. Why? Because he wants stricter gun control legislation in America.

Gun control has been a political tug-of-war in the Uniter States for decades, but Piers thinks he has the answer to the stalemate: threaten America with his absence.

Goodbye, Piers Morgan.

Piers has been particularly rude to his pro-gun guests as of late, calling them idiots and interrupting their points. His “logic” goes something – well, exactly – like this: Guns are used to kill people and killing people is wrong, so guns should be banned.

Piers fails to consider the ages-old NRA retort that “If guns are criminalized, only criminals will have guns.” It’s a winning argument, and catchier than the Second Amendment.

Piers also fails to consider that compared to about 30,000 deaths by guns each year, America has 30-40,000 deaths by automobile each year. Should we ban cars?

We see that Piers likes to smoke. Should we ban smoking, since it accounts for more than 440,000 deaths in America each year?

How about abortion, Piers, that kills more than 1,200,000 (that’s 1.2 million) innocent babies each year? Are you okay with that?

Why did you leave gunless Great Britain in the first place, Piers? America left Great Britain in order to live free of oppression and rules of gentry. You came here for money and fame (not to mention evading possible prosecution in the phone-hacking scandal). You got what you came for, so by all means deport yourself and let America keep its way of life intact.

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