Jan 022013

Testy Brit Piers Morgan is now threatening to deport himself from America and his multi-million dollar evening chat fest on CNN. Why? Because he wants stricter gun control legislation in America.

Gun control has been a political tug-of-war in the Uniter States for decades, but Piers thinks he has the answer to the stalemate: threaten America with his absence.

Goodbye, Piers Morgan.

Piers has been particularly rude to his pro-gun guests as of late, calling them idiots and interrupting their points. His “logic” goes something – well, exactly – like this: Guns are used to kill people and killing people is wrong, so guns should be banned.

Piers fails to consider the ages-old NRA retort that “If guns are criminalized, only criminals will have guns.” It’s a winning argument, and catchier than the Second Amendment.

Piers also fails to consider that compared to about 30,000 deaths by guns each year, America has 30-40,000 deaths by automobile each year. Should we ban cars?

We see that Piers likes to smoke. Should we ban smoking, since it accounts for more than 440,000 deaths in America each year?

How about abortion, Piers, that kills more than 1,200,000 (that’s 1.2 million) innocent babies each year? Are you okay with that?

Why did you leave gunless Great Britain in the first place, Piers? America left Great Britain in order to live free of oppression and rules of gentry. You came here for money and fame (not to mention evading possible prosecution in the phone-hacking scandal). You got what you came for, so by all means deport yourself and let America keep its way of life intact.

Dec 312012

Most of us toy with making New Year’s resolutions, many of us state them outright, but a scarce few of us actually succeed in our resolve. Maybe if we scaled down our lofty self-promises, we’d have some bragging rights by the end of the year.

The main trick is to be realistic about your resolutions. Truth, justice, and the American way are a never-ending battle for even Superman, so lower your sights.

And narrow your scope; a single resolution would be infinitely easier to accomplish than a litany of self-improvements. If you try to quit smoking, drinking, and overeating all at once, you’ll certainly fail – if you don’t kill yourself first! Pick one at a time. Make sure it sticks before you move on to the next hurdle.

Be patient. It’s a New Year’s resolution, after all, so give it up to a year to see it through. Pace yourself.

Once you choose a resolution, refine it by establishing goals. “Lose weight” is a lofty resolution, but “Lose one pound a week for 10 weeks” is a realistic goal.

We should keep the number of resolutions to a minimum. Use my chart below, adding possible resolutions to what’s already there. If you like, rearrange the column categories from Easy, Moderate and Difficult to something like Mind, Body and Spirit or Short-Term, Mid-Term and Long-Term.

Then choose only one from Column A, and/or one from Column B, and/or one from Column C. That should be manageable. Good luck!


• Become better organized
• Become greener
• Create personal budget
• Develop hobby
• Learn something new
• Read more
• Talk less, listen more
• Watch less TV
• Write a daily diary
• Donate $10 a month to RoadKill Radio


• Donate to charity
• Eat better
• Exercise more
• Get a (better) job
• Help people
• Play more
• Save money
• Spend more time with family
• Travel more
• Donate $50 a month to RoadKill Radio


• Lose weight
• Move
• Quit drinking
• Quit smoking
• Reduce stress
• Reduce/eliminate debt
• Settle down
• Simplify life
• Work more
• Donate $100 a month to RoadKill Radio

As you might have guessed from my lists, my New Year’s Resolution is to get more people to support RoadKill Radio.

Happy New Year!

Fueling Options

Or send a cheque or money order Payable to:

RoadKill Radio,
P.O. Box 12014,
Murrayville Square, Langley,
BC, Canada V3A 9J5

Dec 222012

December 2000 Warning

Health Canada recognizes the unborn as “babies”. Among the graphics that Health Canada requires to be displayed on cigarette packages in Canada, one depicts a pregnant woman holding a cigarette. One ad reads:


Tobacco use during pregnancy reduces the growth of babies during pregnancy. These smaller babies may not catch up in growth after birth and the risks of infant illness, disability and death are increased.

If hurting babies is worthy of mandatory warning labels, why doesn’t the killing of babies warrant even stronger warnings?

December 2000 Warning

Why does the Canadian government allow the murder of 100,000 babies every year in the form of abortions?

2012 Warning

Stephen Harper’s government is hypocritical when it warns against cigarettes but not against abortion.

2012 Package Insert

Health officials get it. Why don’t our so-called “leaders”? Help them out and write to you MLA today!
Dec 122012

The Year the World Ended

Right now you can go out to a book store or web site and buy a 2013 calendar, which may even have a few months of 2014 included as well. What is more difficult to buy is a calendar for the year 3414, for example. Why? Because sales would be abysmal. Imagine how angry some ancient Mayan’s boss was when he realized his toady calendar maker was getting WAAAAYYYY ahead of himself. So he had him stop obsessive-compulsively carving out new dates. Flash forward to present day: conspiracy nuts think the OC Mayan was actually predicting The End. Get real.

In case you missed our previous Armageddons, here are some absolutely guaranteed drop-dead-end-of-the-world predictions in the last 100 years…

1914 – Jehovah’s Witnesses calculated this expiration date from made-up stories, as is their wont, later revising it to 1915. Then 1918. Then 1920, 1925, 1941, 1975, 1994… ah, who even pays attention to them anymore?

1919 – Six planets would align and tear apart the Sun. Or not.

1936 – Herbert W. Armstrong, who cobbled together several religious disciplines and called it the Worldwide Church of God, tried to stir up his own end-of-world scenario to build up a following. The revised date was 1975.

1948 – The Jews finally got an official homeland, and Christians ran for the hills, thinking this was the final sign of the Apocalypse.

1953 – David Davidson’s “The Great Pyramid, Its Divine Message” stirred up some sales with its doom and gloom message.

1957 – Not having any luck with their own predictions, the Jehovah’s Witnesses laid a 1957 prediction on a California padre named Mihran Ask.

1959 – Future Branch Davidian leader Florence Houteff predicted world’s end for 1959, although it wasn’t until 1993 that most of the faithful went up in flames with David Koresh.

1960 – Another old pyramid-related prediction came and went.

1967 – Another rousing victory by the Israelis in their 6-day war got Christians wringing their hands all over again. Simps.

1973 – The comet due to hit Earth as predicted by Moses David (David Berg) of The Children of God apparently missed. You Gotta Believe

1980 – Baha’i Faith leader Leland Jensen saw our nuclear demise go up in smoke.

1981 – Chuck Smith, another California padre, calls it wrong.

1981 – Arnold Murray of Shepherd’s Chapel had his own 1981 prediction. I wonder if he and Chuck Smith compared notes afterward.

1981 – The Reverend Sun Myung Moon liked 1981, too.

1982 – Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson went with a 1982 Armageddon, and when that didn’t work out, he then ran for President in 1988.

1982 – Another alignment of the planets doom scenario made astronomers John Gribben and Setphen Plagemann poop their pants, but the rest of us got through it okay.

1984 to 1999 – The Rajneesh movement predicted a series of natural and man-made events of global destruction for this period. Well, it did rain a lot.

1985 – Shepherd’s Chapel’s Arnold Murray was at it again, saying Armageddon would start on June 8th of that year in Alaska. At least he had the guts to be specific.

1986 – Since his 1973 comet missed the Earth, Moses David went with a Battle of Armageddon for 1986, and the return of zombie Jesus in 1993.

1987 – 2000 – Lester Sumrall sold a lot of books predicting a lot of doom, and was wrong on every count.

1988 – Again blaming the formation of Israel, perennial predictor of preposterous prophesies Hal Lindsey incorrectly guessed 1988 as the Final Year.

1988 – The year Alfred “Super-Psychic A.S. Narayana” Schmielewsky said it would all end. He was later murdered after his Super Psychic powers failed to warn him of a gunman at his front door.

1988 – A 1981 movie called “The Man Who Saw Tomorrow” helped prove what a crackpot Nostradamus was.

1988 – Edgar Whisenaut, a NASA scientist, became a best-selling author with his book “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Occur in 1988.” October 11, to be specific. I want my money back.

1990-ish – Some guy named Peter Ruckman came up with his own nebulous timetable.

1994 – Harold Camping reveals the results of 3 decades of biblical computations to peg September 6, 1994, as Judgement Day. Well, back to the drawing board.

2009 – The Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator goes on line in November, creates a black hole, and destroys the Universe. Yeah, sure.

2011 – May 21, to be precise. “The Bible Guarantees It”, claimed Harold Camping, having re-calculated and revised his 1994 Apocalypse. He had a stroke in June, 2011, so maybe he was predicting in the first person.

2012 – Okay, really, this is it. December 21, 2012.



But wait! This just in…

Jul 112012

Last week a study concluded that coffee is bad for you. According to – oh, who cares? Next week there’ll be a study concluding that coffee is good for you. And that will be followed by a negative study, which will be followed by a positive study, then negative, then positive, et cetera ad nausium, dominus vobiscum.

Every few weeks we get a report that coffee is good or coffee is bad and it all adds up to much ado about nothing. What a monumental waste of time and money – mostly taxpayer money, I suspect.

Look, I tossed all the results of all these reports into a Yahtzee cup and this is how they tumbled out:

> Moderate coffee drinking lowers the risk of heart disease. Heavy coffee drinking increases the risk of heart disease. No brainer, there. Everything in moderation.

> Coffee increases blood flow, curing headaches and delivering medicine quicker, yet coffee decreases blood vessel tone and function. Hmmm – a toss-up.

> Coffee, as a mild diuretic, can aid against constipation and other bowel problems, yet as a mild diuretic, it can contribute to dehydration if not enough water is consumed. Then again, coffee is nearly 100% water, so what’s the problem?

> Coffee can aid sleep. Coffee can disturb sleep. Now they’re just messing with us.

> Here’s a compilation of bad things about coffee – but they have qualifiers:

  • Coffee MIGHT increase the risk of hypertension, BUT mostly in people with high blood pressure.
  • Coffee MAY increase the risk of osteoporosis in women who drink it heavily and who have low calcium diets.
  • Excess unfiltered boiled coffee increases LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
  • Coffee MAY cause bad breath – IF you drink it with milk.

I mean, come on…

Here are some more maybes and mights:

  • Coffee MIGHT cause rapid and/or irregular heartbeats.
  • Coffee MAY cause heartburn.
  • Coffee is mildly addictive, which means withdrawal MAY take a few days with headaches and restlessness. (I say don’t quit!)
  • And Coffee MIGHT stain your teeth.

Okay, in the “good for you” column, some rather decisive findings:

  • Coffee is chock full of Antioxidants, which slows ageing.
  • Coffee protects against Parkinson’s disease.
  • Coffee protects against Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Coffee protects against forming gallstones.
  • Coffee protects against forming kidney stones.
  • Coffee lowers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes in young-to-middle aged women.
  • Coffee protects against liver cirrhosis, especially alcoholic cirrhosis.
  • Coffee’s caffeine increases alertness and improves information processing.
  • Coffee relieves asthma symptoms.

Coffee’s starting to sound like a health drink, to me.

Look, here’s a chart of addictive drugs and their relative level of addictiveness. Let’s see, caffeine is… not even on the list!

Okay, here’s another chart. Hmm… caffeine didn’t rate here, either.

Oh – here’s one. See how high caffeine rates… oh wait, the higher the rating, the safer the drug is.

Well there you go. Of all the vices out there, coffee barely gets a mention. I say if you like coffee, drink it. And when a report comes out about coffee, ignore it. Your life will be simpler and happier and yes, you’ll sleep better for it.

Jul 042012

A few days ago it was “Canada Day” here in Canada. Being an American, and therefore unschooled in third world civic holidays, I asked a Canadian friend what Canada Day was. He told me it was just like my Fourth of July.

Stop right there!

Canada is an independent country!? I remember gasping for air, reeling at the notion that I somehow missed an overnight bloodless coup. “When did this happen?”, I asked, swearing to myself that I’d never miss another 6 o’clock news broadcast.

“Oh, about a hundred years ago,” explained my northern friend.

Stop right there!

So there was no coup, after all.

I see… Did this guy actually believe that Canada was an independent country? I pressed the issue.

Pulling a fistful of change from my pocket, I asked whose picture is that on every single penny, nickel, dime, quarter, loonie and twoonie in my outstretched palm. For those of you who may not know, it’s the Queen of England. England. Pretty magnanimous of an “independent country” to put the mug of ANOTHER country’s leader on all their money.

I asked what province we were in. “British Columbia,” my friend admitted. Hmmm… British. And the street corner we happened to be on? “King Edward Avenue and Prince Albert Street,” he noted. Not far from Queen Elizabeth Park, I noted.

So, it turns out that when my Fourth of July celebrates my county’s booting out of King George III and his tax collectors to form an independent republic accountable to no other country in the world, Canada Day actually celebrates the union of three British North American colonies – Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada – into one British federation of four provinces – Ontario and Quebec replacing the Province of Canada.

The British monarch has a permanent seat in Canada’s parliament. Canadian laws require the British monarch’s “royal ascent” to become valid. New Canadian citizens must swear an oath of allegiance to the British Monarch. In fact, Great Britain is soaked into every nook and cranny of this giant English muffin called Canada.

Apologists point out that technically the British monarch – currently Queen Elizabeth II – holds the separate title of “Queen of Canada,” but who are we kidding?

So I delicately pointed out to my American-wannabe friend that aside from fireworks, a day off from work, and lots of pointless political speeches, Canada Day and the Fourth of July are about as similar as fox hunting and baseball.

Poor Canada. So desperate for its own identity, yet far too weak and scared to move out of Mom’s basement.

Happy Fourth of July, Canada!